Choosing The Right Instruments: Just the Facts
Rent OR Buy?
The simples answer is...if you are in any doubt about your child's commitment, it is safer to rent. Additionally, it is always better to rent a good instrument than buy a poor quality internet instrument. From around $17/month any child can be on a decent band instrument!
The Internet: Flirting with Disaster
Probably the greatest problem facing the school instrumental music teachers today is the day when little Tammy rolls up with her eBay flute. It is probably right out of adjustment, has soft keywork, leaks air everywhere and is difficult to blow. Many internet or 'grocery store' band instruments are so poor in quality that local technicians will refuse to service them, and if they do then the repair costs usually run to the price paid for the instrument - and the same problem is very likely to happen again!
Most responsible school music teachers warn parents to avoid buying this way, but it seems too often to fall on deaf ears. You should expect to pay around $1000 for a decent new flute, clarinet, trumpet or trombone, and around $2000 for a new Alto Saxophone. If in doubt it is always better to rent first, and buy when you are confident about spending the money. Our instrumental experts are available to answer your questions and put your mind at ease.
Why Rent From Perform Music Rentals
Renting an instrument is a great way to start, but many plans are designed to lock you into a purchase, whether you want to or not. There are two things to remember:
- It costs less to rent by the school term. Beware programs that charge a high monthly rate (eg. $30/$35 a month for a flute) particularly if they require a 6 month minimum commitment.
- Remember that, even if your school uses a commercially based music program, you are under NO obligation to rent from them. In fact, you may pay 2-3 times as much as you need to!
Perform! Music Rentals will put your child on a quality band instrument at the lowest cost in Queensland - guaranteed! For $49 per school term (that's $17 per month) you can have a beautiful flute, clarinet or trumpet, with low cost rental on most instruments ( Excluding In-house school rental ). Other rental plans can cost up to three times as much, yet Perform! Music Rentals offers:
- CONVENIENCE- New and used choices, usually arranged within 15 minutes - no waiting days for an approval or an instrument to be shipped up from elsewhere.
- UPGRADABILITY- You can offer to purchase at any time, either the instrument you are renting, or an upgrade model of the same type of instrument, subject to availability.
- SERVICE GUARANTEE- Many instruments serviced by our technical team. If we can't fix it within 10 days, we will replace it.
- LOW RISK- Minimum rental period is just 1 school term, and you don't pay for the holidays! If things don't work out, just return the instrument.
- Discount service rates- Your instrument can be serviced annually at a rate 20% lower than the standard technicians rate.
Comparing Rental Costs

Note: A $99 establishment fee applies on all blown instruments, and double basses. (what is the establishment fee?)
Two ladies contacted us; one to rent a Tenor Saxophone, and her friend (who was renting from another company). When we advised the customer of our $99 per school term rental, her friend nearly choked - she was paying $80 PER MONTH! (That's $240 per term!)